Daytrade like a Mason
I like this.
Consider that money and AI are amplifiers of who one is, especially in service sector pursuits like financial services.
All they really do is scale the Mason.
Consider the deployment of human or natural capital resources into social and political issues by the Masons for social movements.
More importantly, the hierarchy of ideas should be first-principle oriented, revolving around opportunity cost.
I see many people get stuck in rationalizations in their pursuits, such as for a startup, particularly if they claim it is superior to the $SPY, which is statistically incorrect in many cases.
They might tell you their farm investment, part of their family office, is real economic value creation, as if they are the Fed, to deny true first principles opportunity cost.
Because they weren’t Masonic enough with the all seeing 3rd eye?
This leads to many misnomers about financial services.
You will often hear it might be in PE or VC, and rarely would you hear about the hedgie quant at the top.
Yet the public equities hedgie must generate pure alpha without the benefit of discounts to NAV or value assigned to an asset without much of a real-time feedback loop.
This is akin to the evolution of sales and marketing, which now have KPI-oriented real-time web analytics and argue against inefficiencies in traditional marketing for sales and revenue.
Therefore, AI-enhanced value propositions (ANALYTICS) with dynamic social network feedback loops (MARKET) yield the KPI (PERFORMANCE) in real time (CLOSE).
Or the hole in one - back to back - over and over.