Debate Lite
-Blame Trump for COVID, just as they blamed him for Iran. Blame him for Iran to set the stage for blaming him for World War III, which started one month before the general election. With Harris dropping in the polls, they have sadly switched to the playbook I’ve been highlighting for months.
-Fact-check zingers are used before quickly moving on to other issues, ensuring the last word is had, as mandated by the system with its system pig moderators.
-PhD’s with a lot of knowledge but don’t have wisdom.
-The largest trade deficit with China is now. It went down moderately pre covid under the plan discussed by the previous administration but resumed as Covid accelerated. Shilling for China is a ‘thing’.
-The middle class is eroding and nothing can stop that.
- Tim ‘Tank Man’ Walz
- We need to abort anecdotal storytelling to convince the public. Where is Joe the Plummer?