SABOTAGE: Sharpen Up
Peter from the Cornell Club here.
I couldn’t be at the trading desk, so for the first time, I’m testing day trading raw on my iPhone based on the fact that Kyrie has a free throw percentage of 90% and the blah indicator.
In @ 5415 for the June Micro E-mini. One should go small if attempting this on the iPhone while listening to the Beastie Boys—to ensure no skips in the song.
It seems to works fine.
It’s not like your mind or your edge changes because of the device - but we dip our toes in.
I’m conservative!
I mean, what else do you need?
Just simple strategies for maximum returns.
Yesterday was INSIDE, today is outside, and the SPX went down for a bit as indicated on the title yesterday.
So this got me thinking about the wonders of prop trading to ensure everything becomes significantly better.
Get Your Sharpie Out
A high win rate ensures low downside.
Predictable win rates with minimum volatility to the downside.
Small VAR (value at risk) caps any absolute downside. Low Risk - High Return.
I use less than 1% of AUM on any trade, and I’m out by EOD (end of day).
= outlier Sharpe Ratio
= unbelievable Sortino
The scale is ridiculous with CME products.
Limited exposure.
Realization of thesis in 24 hours.
With autopilot: quants, algo, and manual discretionary optionality
No AUM sizing limitation to sustain the edge
Market neutral that shifts with distributional shifts in trends.