Unlock the 0.01% Secret: Beat Market Now!
Do you know why this meme is so popular?
The same reason why all the movies cover these topics -
Pump and Dump:
Insider Trading:
It’s because no one got the answers:
This is why the SEC and the financial crimes unit have jobs.
When you don’t have the answer, you cheat.
But what if someone really has the answer—the 0.01%? Do you believe the masses could understand?
Eddie needs to tell the mob he has a fix.
Because if the answer were obvious, it would be a needle in a haystack—a blind spot, almost an insult to one’s intelligence.
They argue that markets are 100% inefficient, yet they also diversify. They diversify:
• Their portfolios
• Their analytics
• Even their holding periods
Is it a hedge on the 100% inefficiency?
Do you know that friend or uncle who always tells the story of “the one that got away”?
The one who missed the boat on Tesla for some reason. But was that really the reason?
Was it truly the cause that perfectly aligns with the idea of 100% inefficient markets?
He’s telling you an intellectual lie.
Not intentionally, but it’s still a lie.
Because no reason or analytic can ever be 100%. On the best day, maybe 50% - and that might be just for a day.
In fact, if you believe any analytic is 100% certain, you can be 100% sure it’s not. For example, there was a perception that DJT 0.00%↑ went up because of his fans and that it would propel support 100%. It appeared to work for one day.
But what about the next day and the next 10 days?
We were 100% certain that their causality would never 100% impact the stock and shorted that idea.
They say if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. What’s a finance bro to do? Get on the next rumor? The next grift? The next wave? That’s not the answer either.
So, what is the answer?
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