The Inversion Investor
Pocket of Lights
WARTIME! The Invisible Fist of the Enemy

WARTIME! The Invisible Fist of the Enemy

In the beginning there was the word.

Words form narratives that are transmitted through oral traditions.

Awakened only by a pandemic of biblical proportions, we are able to see the abuse of this tradition by the state.

Enemy of the State: A Tinker, ‘Tailored’ Story

When the official narrative is so well orchestrated by the state, the populace is restricted to either becoming literalists or becoming bad interpreters of the tales fed to them. Limiting the populace to only these two options further reinforces and further entrenches the pre-planned narrative into the collective belief.

These revolving beliefs eventually become so ingrained that it is hard to reject any existing societal labels, dogmas and ideological possession. Any foreign nuances or evidence-based type discussions are rejected and all future foresight is lost. With no foresight there are only closed minds.

Closed minds are a breeding ground for a culture of conformity. Conformity allows the official agenda to be adopted more willingly.

Welcome to the new Dark Age.

Dark Age! The Deep State of Sleep

This global pandemic and general fear in the populace has masked the real programme, the hidden economic agenda (albeit, biting the hand that feeds them). The hidden economic agenda consists of converging global economic models and accelerating centralisation.

China’s CCP authoritarian system has hijacked natural law and become the default model for the world to follow suit:

  • Lockdown

  • Fear mongering

  • Censorship

  • Unconstrained Surveillance

  • Arbitrary arrests

*One exception is Sweden, veering off tangent to the polar opposite extreme of no lockdown and opting for ‘herd immunity’. A planned non-intervention by the semi socialist state.

Global supply chains and markets worldwide have been eviscerated by weak demand, political uncertainty and a multitude of curves careering sharply in all directions. We are on a fast sinking capitalist ship, heading toward repression, recession, depression… ultimately back to the dark ages.

We’ll use numbers to count the amount of Black Debt we’ll be drowning in rather than to count the amount of lives lost (Black Death 200,000,000 lives).

Black Lies, White Death

A very high, rarely seen correlation of 70% exist between infectious diseases of a certain locale and the degree to which authoritarian beliefs are held and sought after in that locale.

This has occurred because when we introduce this iteration of the Black Death into a pre-existing stabilized narrative it makes it fickle and induces states of fear and risk. When any detrimental risks enter the system there are only two pathways to take.

(1) Innovation through risk taking.

(2) Further authoritarian control.

There is no current proven cure. Although pharma companies such as $GILD and $JNJ seem favorable, we must take into consideration that most of the world has succumbed to authoritarian control.

There are 'supposed' victors of this pandemic. Some are being propped up as examples of fearless leadership.  However, before passing judgment we must investigate their conduct further. Pay attention to the subtle subliminal messaging as MSM outlets highlight these ‘victors’.  

What criteria are the apexes based on?

Recorded death-count? Recovery count?

Ventilator accessibility?

North Korea has the lowest recorded death count.

We are confused, afraid and forever waiting on the word of the state.

Is it OK to go outside now sir?

Even Confucius gets confused.

The obsession with the idea of 'better to be safe than sorry' is a collective consciousness of the old world.

What is ideal in the the old world is a slow, peaceful and centralized pace of progression. As opposed to a fast-paced capitalist system on full trajectory (only hindered by an intervening trade war).

This is the merging of ideas into a social economic model. A merging fueled by a culture in fear that is predominately obsessed with avoiding all risk and death.

Remember the old adage, no risk, no reward.

Are all trends and fads that support this angst of fear and minimal risk.

Society has been cavorted to settle and resolve in mediocrity and fantasy. The sense of urgency and accelerated pace of organic growth is lost in a midst of only what was found in the old world.

The Brave New World is the Old World Order

Old World or Eastern traditions are much more simplified.

Be content.

Be at peace.

Be free.

Slow and steady wins the race.

There is an understanding that the epitome of enlightenment or crossing the abyss is to be achieved over several lifetimes or thousands of years.

But on the other spectrum, in the new world, enlightenment is referenced only as a starting point and is only a springboard to greater heights.

In the new world, a union of words, numbers, symbolism and new thought lead to unprecedented accelerated GDP growth. A pre-cursor to the process of the largest growth in human history, the age of enlightenment has truly come and gone.

It is the wisdom of the individual, which propagates the wisdom of the community, which grows into the wisdom of society and blossoms into the wisdom of humanity (all the while propelling the economy with it). This is the root cause of the accelerated growth we have seen.

Knowledge alone can get us only so far, but it is with actual rudimental wisdom that a select few will be able to see the light in the age of darkness.

Everybody imagines that human advancement occurred linearly at a steady pace from the stone-ages, through to ancient history and to the middle ages.

This was not the case.

There was a period of time in antiquity that man operated without mathematics, without sciences and without the word.

Even with swift identifying properties of prehistoric iconography and symbolism, it took thought leaders and radical thinkers of that time millennia, to conceptualise and develop these into existence and working concepts for society.

It was this vying for human advancement and this intercourse of ideas that led to what we now call the renaissance.

Fast forward to today.

An irony exists before us. The very same concepts of mathematics, science and language that catapulted humanity out from the stone-ages into the age of enlightenment, is now being used against us, to propel us back there! Mao once had a Great Leap Forward that lead to famine and death of an estimated 20,000,000 people. In 1975 Pol Pot and the Khmer Rogue slaughtered off Cambodia’s intellects and forced the remainder of the population into state-run farm collectives, resetting the countries calendar back to Year Zero.

Time is a flat circle.

Most countries are still in an elongated lock-down - the Black Death of 0% GDP. We can endure this new norm as we as a collective are in the state of fear. We are in compliance with the word that is preached to us, not by god, but by the state. And we have lost the ability to stop and ask ourselves, the fundamental question: WHAT IS THE PRICE?

What is the price we pay to have no sense of urgency?

What is the price we pay to normalise a world-wide lockdown?

What is the price we pay to go to the beach?

What is the price we pay having lost the ability to even ask such question?

For the last two years I’ve been looking into the possibility of the upcoming events today and what would be the best way to measure it.

This was not easy.

How do you tell people things that never happened …

will happen?

I like to briefly share how unpopular ideas gradually become the consensus.

For the last several years we have witnessed how experts espousing knowledge, although lacking wisdom, have been pushing the narrative.

*Internal Slack Chat

I observed how total debt and lower interest rates would continue to exacerbate both demand and supply throughout the recent business cycle. The issue is that supply often is seen as inventory investment or operating expense which increases while demand and credit is predicated by the animal spirits.

*Internal Chat Notes - June ‘18

With demand dropping to 0 and as result millions of jobs lost, and figures lower than ever recorded by the BLS since 1948, and numbers not seen since the Great Depression in 1928. This would have a ripple effect throughout markets at an unimaginable level.

There are a few outliers though. The FED hired 100 more people and tech added a few hundred.

Technocrats are running the economy.

We need to understand the new paradigm and invest that way.

The Big Trades: Not So Simple Strategies for Maximum Market Returns

Check out these snapshots of real live trading plays, which will outperform the market in the long term:

  1. Foundational Support and Resistance of Oil (Follow to Win)

2. Running and Running

3. Greater Centralization

4.Inflation or Deception?

5. Gaming the System

6. Singularity and Convergence

7.The King of Kings

The thoughts and results will be priceless.

Part 2 of the podcast can be found here:





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The Inversion Investor
Pocket of Lights
Investing Inside Out